I quoted what Sharon Au said to Life! correspondent about her life as a MediaCorp artiste.
"The past 10 years as an artiste was fun, exciting, but surreal. Even when I won an award, it felt surreal. Fame is surreal," she muses.
"What else is there?" she askes. Then pauses, and adds with a smile:"There's nothing, really. Nothing that I held in the past 10 years was real, except money."
This is from the mouth of Sharon who is now studying in Japan under MediaCorp scholarship.
Everything is meaningless....What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?...there is no remembrance of men of old, and even those who are yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow. - Ecclesisates 1.
If everything is meaningless, what's the point of doing what I am doing? Isn't it just like a dog chasing its own tail. A big question that I am asking is what is life really all about? We go through life like many. Work, eat, sleep, play...or maybe do some charity work.
"What is the purpose of life? What is my dream?" I ask myself several times. If we can make clear this big question in our personal life, we may find our destiny that we are longing for.
King Solomon had everything that most people want in his life : wealth, fame, women, power..etc, yet he still wrote in the book, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14,
Now all has been heard;
here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
for this is the whole duty of man.
God will bring every deed into judgement,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil.Ps PN shared this story about this fisherman and businessman. Read
To me, whether you are a fisherman or businessman if that's what you are called to do, just live your destiny!