
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Spent my day watching DVDs...

My friend kindly borrowed 3 DVDs from the library for me to watch. Of these 3 DVDs, I like the biography of the Pope the most, though it is a third person's account. The show was quite long and a bit boring but I still wanted to finish it. It is interesting to understand different world-views. Personally I think it helps me to be more open to things and people around me who have different values and practices from diverse culture and background, though I may not be agreeable to certain values and practices.

I remembered last year when I was in Rome, Pope John Paul II just passed away. I heard stories of people (Catholic or non-Catholic) queuing for long hours to view his body at the Vatican. His body was later buried at Vatican. A week later, I remembered seeing a lot of people visiting his tomb and some were crying and praying for him.

Some facts and opinions that I gleaned from the 3 hours of screening:
- Pope John Paul II was from Poland where conservative catholic practices are practised.
- Poland was under Nazi Occupation which was later overthrown and controlled by the USSR.
- Pope John Paul II was a key catalyst for the fall of communism in Poland and the Easten European countries which eventually led to the fall of USSR. The iron wall was broken down.
- He is a global spiritual leader and none has travelled so extensively like him. He has caused spiritual awakening.
- His leadership in the Catholic world was not that successful. Many Catholics all over the world are not agreeable to several policies that were rolled out by the Catholic church. For example, contraceptive or unnatural birth controls are not allowed even in areas where Aids are rampant, women are not allowed to be ordained as priests..etc.
- Some people are interviewed and commented that the Catholic church is authoritarian and that John Paul II opposed the authoritarian communist government in Poland but embraced it in the Catholic church.

No man is infallable and perfect.

After I finished watching this DVD, I was so tired...;p

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  • Yes. I am a Christian.

    By Blogger Dee, at 8:37 PM  

  • I would agree that if you fully agree with any person you are not thinking.

    Thanks for the information

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:58 PM  

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