
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

War of the Roses

"War of the Roses"? What's that? Well, it's a German magazine whose target audience is the divorced. Never heard that such catergory of magazines exists until I read The Strait Times and Los Angeles Times.

In Europe and US, the divorce rate is about 50%. Wow! Quite a significant percent. No wonder most of the people in Europe do not believe in marriage anymore. Similarly in Singapore, divorce rate is climbing. People just move on the new relationships after the feelings for their partners wane and they need fresh excitement. Is love just a feeling without commitment?

I think we live in a mess-up world. People do things as they see fit. The society tells us a lot of the deep seated social problems that cannot be solved by economic progress. A modern society that has well-developed infrastructure, technology, and educational system does not stop all the divorce rate from going down. What's the real problem? Are we the problem?

This year, a few of my friends are getting married ;-) Before that, they went through marriage counselling course to discover more about themselves and their partners. It's always a joy to see couples coming together. The bride walking down the aisle to her groom. It's so 'magical' ;-p Can life be happily ever after? Wedding is a day affair but marriage is the beginning of the couple's lives together. It can be filled with love, joy, pain and angst. If both parties are determined to make this marriage works and to grow together as a couple, divorce will not an issue as it is never in their 'dictionary'. Commitment is hard and heart-work.

'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? 6So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." - Matthew 19:5-6

Hee..hee...from the point of view of a single ;p

I happened to find this post about marriage, $, standard of living.

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