25 Dec 05 - Tsunamis' memorial
Time flies. One year has passed since the day when the tsunamis hit Asia on Christmas day. Much to think about how we are going to live our lives in the coming year. Life is short. Play hard. Work hard. Rest well. Love people around you.
It has been a busy week for me and many of us especially during Christmas time. It's time to slow down to reflect on how we have led our lives in 2005 and what we want to do in 2006.
In 2005, I made a BIG decision to go to Rome, Italy for 6 months. I quitted my job and left my "loves" back in Singapore. Maybe that's why I did not bring the "LOVE" cup that was given to me by friends in church to Italy ;p It was the greatest trip of my life. I've made a lot of international friends and most importantly I have learnt much about myself and who God is in my life. Though I did not get a job in Rome, I'm glad to be back home. There's none like home :-)
So what's next for me in 2006? Hmm....
God is never short of surprises for us. He is good all the time. We need to be patient and wait for His best ;-)
Midco came to my house today and we took some photos together ;-) Thank God for the friendship we share ;-)

Cris, a Brazilian friend shared with me this website about the Lagoa Christmas Tree, a floating megastructure standing 82 meters tall over the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon in Rio de Janeiro. It is the largest floating Christmas Tree in the world by the Guinness Book of Records. Enjoy!
"Rabanada" is a traditional Brazilian Christmas dish. (with pictures)
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