
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

A.S.K ;-)

Yesterday I went out with a group of friends for dinner near Raffles Place. We had a great time together. One of my friends shared her stories when she visited France. She was there alone and she was trying to find someone to bring her around in France. Everything was in French and she was kind of lost. Then she had a bright idea! She tried to look out for someone on the street to ask him/her to be her one day guide. Something which I would normally not do ;p She saw her "target" and then approached him.

She said:"Excuse me! I need someone to bring me around in Paris."

He replied:"You can take the tour bus to bring you around."

She insisted:"I have a problem. I don't understand French. I need someone who speaks English to help me around."

After much persuasion, he replied:"Ok. I shall be your one-day tour guide. You are lucky. I was actually on-call to fly today but I was just told that I am off."

This man really brought my friend around Paris and they really enjoyed themselves..or should I say my friend enjoyed herself ;p

Her story reminds me that we need to be bold to do things that is out of the norm. You can reap unbelievable results. To be persistent in what we really want in life. Like the parable of the persistence woman. Ask, Seek, Knock (ASK) ;-)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matthew 7:7-8


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