
Friday, February 17, 2006

Knowledge is not wisdom

Knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom. Knowledge can produce equally powerful ways to destroy life, intentionally and unintentionally. It can produce hate and seek destruction. Knowledge does not by itself bring any answer to the ancient Greek question "What is a Good Life?" It does not produce good sense, courage, generosity and tolerance. And most crucially, it does not produce the farsightedness that will allow us all to live together--and grow together--on this world without causing war, chaos and catastrophe. For that we need wisdom.

- Extract from Special Edition Newsweek Dec 2005-Feb 2006

We are living in an era where knowledge is greatly esteemed. People are spending more time and resources in education to gain this knowledge which will put them at an advantage from the rest and also many believe that with knowledge comes financial wealth. Nations that learn faster will prosper but it will take wisdom to endure.

What is Wisdom? Wisdom is the ability to manage knowledge and the ability to discern what is good and bad. In 1 King 3:9, King Solomon asked God for a discerning heart to govern his people and to distinguish between right and wrong.

Has our world really progressed for the better? Does increased knowledge bring peace to the world? No really...Wisdom is something that our world lacks.

As we gain knowlege, we need to have the wisdom to bring the best out of the knowledge that we gain for the better of our lives in this crazy world.

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. - Psalms 90:12

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. - Psalms 1:7


  • Do u know who wrote this?

    "Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

    By Blogger Lam Chun See, at 10:49 AM  

  • It is written by Daniel. He prophesied that in the end times people will seek to increase more knowledge.

    By Blogger Dee, at 9:59 PM  

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