Jay's water baptism
The weather has been unpredictable lately. It can rain at one moment and sunny at another moment. Thank God that after a brief shower, the sky was clear and blue again.
Praise the Lord that 84 decisions were made to be water baptised yesterday. I was very happy that Jay made his decision to be water baptised.
Jay invited his parents to witness his water baptism. After much prayer and persuasion, they decided to come. PTL!! As they are Teo Chew speaking, we needed someone with good Teo Chew to explain to them why we sing Praise and Worship, the signifiance of water baptism...etc. Thank God for Yihong and Jon for translating and relating to them in their heart language. His parents enjoyed the youthful company..hehe..Jay's father even mentioned that our presence made him feel younger ;p If our parents know God, how good it is to be able to worship God together in church ;-)
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