26 Nov 05 - Sensory Trail at Pulau Ubin

The tour is called a Sensory Trail where you will use your senses to feel, smell, taste, touch and see the nature around you. It was initiated by 2 ladies who wanted to bring visually-handicapped people through this trail to have a nature experience. It was indeed a great experience for me as I have the opportunity to learn more about the natural environment around me. Life in the city is so fast that you do not notice the little details and usefulness of these plants around us. We can learn so much from nature itself. God, you still amazes me!
Adelle, our guide, told us that some children asked why potatoes grow on trees. These potatoes are chiku fruits. Haha!!
Do u know that banana plant is not a tree?
Do you know that pandan leave when fresh can be used to ward away cockroaches?
Do you know that dogs that do not belong to Pulau Ubin are not safe in Pulau Ubin? The dogs in Pulau Ubin will attack these "foreign" dogs for trespassing into their territories.
The volunteers had lunch together after the tour. Wow! It's really a small world. Adelle is attending the same church as me and her sister also came to Pulau Ubin with her caregroup. Suddenly it seemed like Hope people were everywhere!
A refreshing trip! More photos, share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=9AauGrVszasag
On my way home, I was reminiscing what we have shared and talked. I was laughing to myself the jokes that Grace had spoken about the cat story. I hope the guy who stood in front of me would not think that I am mad. haha...
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